Saturday, July 25, 2009

i'm in love...

its nice to fall in love again, makes u smile n freshen u a bit maybe after a boring past months...i did fall in again, it happened during my stay in London...for the 1st two months there, i was really lonely n have this homesick...want to go back, missing everyone in kl..then some miracle happened....during summer i started going out regularly with a group of friends which actually very nice n happening friends...she was in the group...well at first it was nothing but everyday something weird is growing inside my mind...if i didn't see her a day i felt really i keep asking myself is it real? yup its real i guess....she is cute, nice skin, long hair( i like her hair color), very matured( she's aquarious), i love her giggles, almost everything about her and one best things about her is her sugar rush! whenever she drinks coke or eat chocolates, she will go hyperbolic active , talk like a bullet train, jumping here and there and disturb people.....hmmm...i wana say lots of things about her, but i'm sleepy now...write again when i'm free..

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"Mr Beautiful Body"

i'll begin with great arms, six packs, big chest and everything that muscle up...look great aite? you can easily see now guys and girls really doing their thing in gym right...malaysian nowadays starting to become health concious and wanna have a healthy life...i'll agree with that...everybody should do it man! actually i juz started myself, hehe..i juz did in my condo gym ...for the time being only because later i really need my own slowly done...i cant wait to have that kind of abs man..argh! Actually i have a competitor in this, housemate... we are so like racing who will get perfect abs in 3 month..mate! bet still on ok...

but i just have a few things that worries me:

1) being vain...i'll be in front of the mirror everytime i pass by, so imagine if i have this awesome body..i think i'll be more shirtless than before...

2) I'm just favorite roast chicken to gay man...i dont why but i seem to be so 'delicious' to them man....yaiks! i'm ******* straight you can see mostly the tough guy is gay man! Damn!

3) can i maintain the lifestyles...i hope so...

i have this tips to every guy out there : " the more beautiful body you have, less talk needed to pick up woman...because body already tell evrything aite.. Am I right?



Sunday, September 14, 2008


I love women..women loves me...depends..u think easy to score chicks now? chicks, love their smells and their physical …Don’t you? I even love chicks more when alone with them…and sex makes u alive!…you know the words “it starts with a kiss”, only with a good kiss will bring you the next level mate! So start practicing ok…

marriage yes is beauty, but my problem is when girls ask me to move in or going to next level, I’ll freak out man!..hahaha…then for sure slowly I’ll leave herl…pity her but it’s the right thing to do…its not that I don’t want to be with them forever, but they actually not as perfect as I wanted…don’t know how to cook, lazy, classy wannabe, hot tempered and plenty more lah…go figure out on your own what a perfect wife you wanna have then you’ll understand me…yes I do miss them sometimes but as people say, like myself who loves their smell, there will plenty of perfume products coming out so of course will be more nicer smell out there aite!



Saturday, September 13, 2008

"Live life to the fullest"

“Live life to the fullest” old man actually told me this at a friend’s wedding.. gosh I was like so boring at that time coz I barely knew everyone till this guy with grey hair sitting next to me at the table put on the 1st line…Married? I said no..he smiles back at me and say “hhmm, live life to fullest ah”(with a sarcastic kinda smile). Finished the wedding bla bla bla, got into my car and enjoying the traffic jam till suddenly his words pop up again in my head...Damn! Am I having it now? Does it really matters to me? Is it why I haven’t got married yet? Do I need so hard to have it? All this questions keep running through my head, till finally looking back to all my curiosity, I felt I’m actually did live my life to the fullest…

My friends always ask me, how do I keep up with my life, what did I do to have good time( trust me, I do get this question a lot)..So I told them this secret again and again. The idea of writing this came when I had a late dinner recently with 2 of my closest friend, one of them actually had this so called love problem... gave him a couple of suggestions and he’s agree with me on certain things…he actually thank me for all the advice and guess what, the other friend actually ask me again the “life question” and I told him lah about it…surprisingly he actually was so excited and we talk and talk till we finished like 3 rounds of teh tarik..Hehehe…

God, watching them so happy by just listening to me, driven me to some kind of emotion and it feels really good (believe me damn good one!) ..Then it triggers something…why not I share with other people also and apart of that I can just ask my friend to check this out if they need some guidance... apparently I’ll share everything with u guys, from my life experience and from what I heard and read before and also maybe I’ll add on couple of tips in together…It’s actually "WOMAN"dude! That’s my dirty little secrets…..

